Level Design
Destroyer's Invocation
October 2020
An artistic collaboration between Tryler2, Stylishh, Hxiuh, FracturedOreo, and myself. Assumed a leadership role and was in charge of overseeing asset optimization and team collaboration.
Thunder1222 Productions
November 2020
Contractor for Thunder1222 Productions - a game studio with 200M+ game visits and 1M+ members on the Roblox platform. Oversaw production of environmental/3d assets to maximize visual aesthetics for optimal player experience.
Rural Medieval Forest
September 2020
Did the foliage and terrain for a medieval forest map as a personal project, with all the environmental assets present being constructed within a two week period.
Fallen Lineage
April 2020
An open-world rural forest set in feudal Japan. All 3D assets were modeled and textured using Blender 2.8.2, and published to Roblox Studio.
Cartoony Biomes
A set of stylized biomes inspired by contemporary indie games. Modeled and textured all 3D assets.
Sierra Pacificae
March 2020
A fictional forest inspired by Sierra Nevada’s jagged mountains and greenery. Modeled and textured all foliage and terrain. This map would later be featured on Roblox's official social media as part of their #MondayMotivation campaign.